Oh my, it's been a bit since I've updated, but all are well (for the moment, anyway) in Tyniville.
With my immune system in disarray due to the MS, anything that that gets brought home from school may bother my darling daughter for a day or two, but gets me for a week or two or three and I've just found the get up and go that had got up and went with the last bug!
Our local quilt show is coming up at the end of the month and as well as getting ready for that, our doll club will be having a display, so we are all gearing up to WOW! them with our creations and, hopefully, inspire some new members.
I had promised more pix in my last post, and to my dismay, my camera has not been holding a charge, so I have not been able to take them. But, joy of joys, hubby gifted me with an early Christmas present, and I am the happy new owner of a beautiful little (pink! my favorite color...can you tell?) Sony Cybershot digital...LOVE it, and hubby too, LOL.
After doll club today, I'll be picking up a disk so that I can take more than the 5 pictures the memory in the camera holds and will be able to share again...yippee!
Take care, dear friends, until we chat again . . .
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
I'm playing with my blog >^..^<
I went searching for how to change things about my blog in the blogger questions forum...lots to read!
If you want to change your blog, the info takes you step by step through how to do it!
I also found a free place for backgrounds in the FAQ segment and started there. Want to check the site out? Click here: http://www.thecutestblogontheblock.com/index.php
Then I expanded my column widths and tried to make it three columns, but liked it better as two, so restored it.
I will play more later, but I'm liking the change so far!
Don't be afraid to play with your set up...just make sure you do as the recommend and back up your existing template to your hard drive so you can always restore it if you aren't happy with your changes.
If you want to change your blog, the info takes you step by step through how to do it!
I also found a free place for backgrounds in the FAQ segment and started there. Want to check the site out? Click here: http://www.thecutestblogontheblock.com/index.php
Then I expanded my column widths and tried to make it three columns, but liked it better as two, so restored it.
I will play more later, but I'm liking the change so far!
Don't be afraid to play with your set up...just make sure you do as the recommend and back up your existing template to your hard drive so you can always restore it if you aren't happy with your changes.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
School is back in session :O) :O) :O)
Don't get me wrong...I love my daughter dearly! I'm just a bit tired of the "Mamma, I'm sooo bored! There' nothing fun left to do..." that I've been getting for the last two weeks. Rachel is delighted that she got the teacher she wanted and that her nemisis from last year moved away, so school is now sooo cool! Yippeee...can you see me doing the happy dance in my chair?
Picture #2 gave me the idea for my pin dolls above...I started Kate Erbach's Merna Takes a Test Drive Class over at Crafty collage back in June? and haven't had a chance to work on it...the head wrapped in the pink and aqua is my small head for the little mermaid my Merna will be holding on her fishie (we had our family pic done in caricature at Disney World last year, and I thought it would be fun to use my version of those faces on the mermaids...this one is my Rachel)
The second face in the picture is the one that Rachel drew...isn't it adorable? She is supposed to draw me a body and arms and legs so I can make it into a doll for her...she's just been "too busy to craft!" since school started :O)
And last, but not least...I'm working on a "Fire and Ice" project that pooped into my head one night when I couldn't sleep. I've started the "Ice Queen" and have the plan for my fire portion to be the "Fire King"...just have to get it in gear and draw him out :O) Here is a sneak peak on what I've done on her so far:
I hope you enjoy my new pix...I'm off to go play with dolls!
Anyway, I now have a few hours a day that I get to play, so I've been catching up on a few unfinished projects. There are sew many the I want to start on!
I have a few Pix to share today, and will post some more tomorrow...batteries need charging, agian...LOL!
Picture #1 is of the Pin Dolls I did for a swap over at Doll Street...

Next picture is of "Lake Superior Splash"...she's my little mer that is patiently waiting for me to finish the seahore she is supposed to me sitting on...maybe next week???
Next, I have a picture of a little wally dolly I did for my bulletin board in my sewing room:

Have a sew happy day,
Thursday, July 10, 2008
A pincushion dolly to share with you!
Anyway, this is the site to find the pattern on: http://glitteringdolls.tripod.com/Glittertowndollys/id15.htm
The pattern prints out as two pages...I shrank mine down to fit on one page (my printer has a "booklet printing" mode) and the head pattern was just about the same size as my favorite PMC head pattern...so whallah! It made up in a snap, and several friends have commented on how they'd love one for Christmas...I'm thinking I may be using up my spare heads...don't you just love it?
Off to nap...cooked for the Seniors with mom all morning and the kitchen was 80+ degrees when I left! Yikes, but the heat gets me.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Where are my pictures??? Never mind, they have re-appeared!
I updated my blog yesterday with new pics of my Vivianna, and she's gone...
But, so are all my sidebar pixs & all my custom thingies :O( The Blogger demons have dumped my stuff ... Time for an update!
***Nix the above, some kind soul restored my sidebar and all is well in Katland, meow!***
So new pictures, again, first;
1. Here is the new and improved Miss Vivianna ... She was the first doll I made from Patti Culea's Beaded Doll Book and I just made her a new head. (I thought her first head's eyes were too close together, so am re-purposing that one for a cloth-over classs I'll be taking soon.)
2. Here she is in all her glory ... I was playing with my paint program, so pardon the funky back ground. The little I.D. tag in her dress was where I'd sprayed the picture in error and couldn't figure out how to remove it...no mistakes, just artist chances waiting to happen! :O)
I have about 30 hours of beading into this little miss, and loved every minute of it!
She has earrings (no ears though, LOL!) rings & bracelets on her toes and fingers....My daughter says "I blinged her to the Max!", what do you think?

More pix coming soon...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Rachel's first stuffie :O)

My 9 year old wanted to make a stuffie for one of my friends that has to have knee surgery... she drew the picture, I traced it onto fabric and she sewed and stuffed it. She drew the face on with my gel pens and even whip stitched the openings closed. We're all so proud of her, I almost didn't want to give it away, but knew it would be muchly appreciated by Julie ... who cried when she received it.
(Of course, as soon as I can get her to sit at the machine again, she has to make one for mommy and one for gramma, too!)
Another dolly class project almost done....
Here's my "Moody Boobs"(Kate Erbach class at Crafty College) . She just needs here skirt and she'll be hanging on my studio door for all to see. I loved this project and already have a new face done and another on the way, though I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet, just caught the beading bug :O)

And here are some close ups of her beading detail...
And here are some close ups of her beading detail...

Happy Tuesday!
I have finally finished my Wallart project, I think!? I am happy with the "I wanna be a Mermaid" piece, but not so with the "Flutterby" piece. My daughter thinks it's so kewl, so it's staying as is and will hang in her bedroom...tell me what you all think?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Good morning!
Oh my goodness, I didn't realize that I haven't been here in a month...shame on me! Summer break is here and my 9 year old is off school...mommy doesn't have a lot of time to herself to play dolls...she has a real dolly to play with instead! I am making slow progress on my WallArt...they are spray painted, but I'm not liking them so will be adding more color before I post pictures.
I am also taking Kate Erbach's "Moody Boobs" Class...If you've not seen Moody, she's adorable. Check out this site: http://dollnetmarket.com/shop/product.php?cat=9&page=1&productid=224
My Moody is beaded to the nines...just have to finish her hands and feet and will have her picture up soon.
I've drawn up the plans for a clock doll...can't wait to start her, so I best get my other projects done! Hope everyone is having fun in the sun...with sunscreen protection!
Happy sewing,
I am also taking Kate Erbach's "Moody Boobs" Class...If you've not seen Moody, she's adorable. Check out this site: http://dollnetmarket.com/shop/product.php?cat=9&page=1&productid=224
My Moody is beaded to the nines...just have to finish her hands and feet and will have her picture up soon.
I've drawn up the plans for a clock doll...can't wait to start her, so I best get my other projects done! Hope everyone is having fun in the sun...with sunscreen protection!
Happy sewing,
Friday, May 9, 2008
My latest WIP...
I had mentioned I was taking Sherry Goshon's Wall Art class on Dollstreet in a previous post, and had promised pictures. Well, at first I wasn't very sure I liked what I was doing. I thought I'd gone a bit overboard with clay. But after adding hair, I really like it so am finally posting pics. The faces started as press molds that I added to. I sculpted the fish, seahorse, sea monkey's hiding in the mer's hair and the litle girls bum. I'm calling it: "I wanna be a mermaid too, please?" The mer's hairs are untwisted macrame cord and Iwann's is embroidery floss.
Okay then, here is my work in progress so far:

This is a truly awesome project for self expression, and each of us in the class is doing something completely different. The next step is to play in Paverpol, and I've not done that before so am realy looking forward to making a mess :O)
'Til next time...
Okay then, here is my work in progress so far:
This is a truly awesome project for self expression, and each of us in the class is doing something completely different. The next step is to play in Paverpol, and I've not done that before so am realy looking forward to making a mess :O)
'Til next time...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
And here is one of my latest works in progress...this dolly is my adaptation of Judi Ward's bust doll from her "Whatever-Whatever" on-line class that I am taking. The doll pattern is adorable and I didn't realize how big she was to be when I ordered my velour...my head color doesn't match what came in to use for her body! So, a bust doll decided to be made :O) I have yet to figure out how to "dress" her, but am liking her in this vase, so I think she will become a part of it. Time to dig in my lace and trim stash to see what I can come up with!
Have a sew-wonderful day!

Have a sew-wonderful day!

Happy Spring!
Yippee...Spring is finally here, with two days of lovely sunshine and most of the snow from the past several weeks has melted away!
I have been so inspired that I actually have two new dolls to share with you :O)
This first one is my new logo cat doll...she was much fun to make! I re-purposed a fur hat that Rachel had when she was five and re-designed/re-drew several patterns until she came out looking the way she did in my head!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
New classes at Doll Street...I'm hooked!
Oh my goodness...if you haven't checked them out recently, you really need too! http://www.dollstreetdreamers.com/creativecollege.htm
I'm taking Sherry's new Wall Art class, which started today. I think this piece is soo cool! All kinds of new techniques to learn and making doll faces out of paper clay....
We got dumped on again today with snow, so what better thing to do then play with clay, which both Rachel and I love to do?
I have several of her press molds, so have been making masks from them all to play with. I'll post pictures as soon as I decide what my theme will be, although I love her's so much, mine may look very similar.
Have a sew lovely weekend...
I'm taking Sherry's new Wall Art class, which started today. I think this piece is soo cool! All kinds of new techniques to learn and making doll faces out of paper clay....
We got dumped on again today with snow, so what better thing to do then play with clay, which both Rachel and I love to do?
I have several of her press molds, so have been making masks from them all to play with. I'll post pictures as soon as I decide what my theme will be, although I love her's so much, mine may look very similar.
Have a sew lovely weekend...
Sunday, April 6, 2008
My little mermaid..."Amber"
It's Spring in the U.P.!

Good morning!
It is a balmy 42 degrees this morning and we are rapidly loosing the 20+ inches of snow we were blessed with last week...YAY!
We were literally stuck in the house...but oh, I had time to sew!
I have a darling little mermaid almost done, just have to figure out if I want to give her sleeves, or leave her as she is. I made her with Judy Wellnitz's pattern, and she was soo much fun, I will be making more.
I also am working on Judy Ward's little Bluette mannikin...love how she's working out too. She's currently modeling a little dress I was crocheting for a doll for my daughter, but it was too big for that doll...fit little miss Bluette perfectly, though! I''ll take pictures of both to post soon...now that I figured out how to do it :O)
Have a sew wonderful -blue sky day,
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Did St. Patrick's Day dump on you?
Every year, for as long as I can remember, we have had a blizzard (on or about) St. Patty's day.
Never fail, it struck today... and it just kept coming and coming.
It's Spring Break for the wee one, so she's not happy either...last year, most of the snow was gone and she had her new bike out riding every day.
If I knew how to post pictures, I would borrow the one of the hanging snowman I saw on another blog as that is exactly how I feel today!
I even had to sweep the snow out of the way at the doggie door for the girls to go out because they've had enough of this white poo as well. Spring break, haa!
On top of it all, my ON decided to act up and I can't see well enough to do a darn thing that is on my waiting list. If it weren't for spell check, I'd not even be posting today, no one would be able to ready ny tupiong withuot ti.
(See what I mean?)
Okay, no more gloominess...everyday we wake up breathing is a good day, right?! (Thank you Lord, I know I'm one of the lucky ones!)
Have a Blessed Easter,
Never fail, it struck today... and it just kept coming and coming.
It's Spring Break for the wee one, so she's not happy either...last year, most of the snow was gone and she had her new bike out riding every day.
If I knew how to post pictures, I would borrow the one of the hanging snowman I saw on another blog as that is exactly how I feel today!
I even had to sweep the snow out of the way at the doggie door for the girls to go out because they've had enough of this white poo as well. Spring break, haa!
On top of it all, my ON decided to act up and I can't see well enough to do a darn thing that is on my waiting list. If it weren't for spell check, I'd not even be posting today, no one would be able to ready ny tupiong withuot ti.
(See what I mean?)
Okay, no more gloominess...everyday we wake up breathing is a good day, right?! (Thank you Lord, I know I'm one of the lucky ones!)
Have a Blessed Easter,
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Hello and thanks for stopping in to vist...
Happy March 12th~
My name is "Kat"... that's short for "Kathleen" and my mother is the only one that ever called me that (and then she only used it when she was angry!)
Welcome to my little corner of the World Wide Web! My family and friends recommended I start this online journal as an outlet for some of my creativity ... and to share some of my art that's taking over a large part of our living space. I think they were truly shocked to know that I'm not the only one with fabric brimming out of her sewing room and a project here and there around the house...no closet is safe, no drawer goes unburdened ... it multiplies all on it's own. Doesn't it? That's my story and I'm sticking to it!I am the proud momma of a beautiful 9 year old darling girl named "Rachel" and the adoring wife of the love of my life, "Chris". February marked all of our birthdays and I will just tell you that I celebrated the ?th anniversary of my 39th year :O) We share our home with two adorable Mini Schnauzers named "Sophie" and "Clawdia"... these fur children think they are the youngest people in the house ... Cutest question my small one asked: What's a dog, mommy? Aren't the girls my sisters? :O)
I have a tendency to ramble, so grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and come sit and visit with me a bit as I contemplate the fabric universe and sip my ever present cup of coffee...
My feeble attempt at self expression starts now!
Curiosity may kill the cat, but this Kat is a "Jill of all trades" when it comes to crafting. I feel the need to try just about every new thing that comes out in the magazines, and have a very full studio to show for it! My biggest crafting love is my sewing machine ... make that machines, as one is never enough. God forbid one be in the shop and the fever of a new idea not be able to be expressed!
I do sew love to sew! and entered my very first "Dress A Doll" contest at the tender age of 12. Much to my surprise and joy, I proudly took home a 3rd place ribbon and a check for $25.00. The addiction was started and thirty odd years later, I am currently making "Art Dolls". I was gifted a copy of Pattie Culea's latest book and fell in love with the cover doll. Of course, I had to make her! Then I found Sherry Goshon's patterns and oh, my! Online doll classes were mentioned ... I'd never heard of such a thing, but talk about an addiction waiting to happen? There are soo many wonderful patterns and classes available ... Whew! It's a good thing I gave up shopping for Lent ... I need at least 40 days to catch up with what I've already signed up for :O) My sewing room is going to need more shelves to hold all my creations, that is if I ever get around to making bodies for all the heads I've done so far!
I must admit, I am a self confessed "Fabric-a-holic" and have become a bit of a hoarder when it comes to the velvety softness of a nice piece of cotton or the brilliance of a hand dyed batik. And the fiber arts! Well, don't even get me started! My coffers runeth over with the projects it will take me a life time of life times to complete. Yet, I still find myself pouring over the catalogues and online sites ... drooling over that pattern or this piece of fine cloth that just has to become a new member of my family. (Quilting is another passion I have been pursuing for about the last 9 years; but that's a story for another day...)
Today marks the first day of my blog. A funny name for an online diary, isn't it? I wonder where it came from? I may have to look that up one night when I can't sleep and am all caught up with my endless list of things to do. Will that day ever come? Hmmmm.......me thinks.....not?
Until the next time...Kreatively yours,
I have a tendency to ramble, so grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and come sit and visit with me a bit as I contemplate the fabric universe and sip my ever present cup of coffee...
My feeble attempt at self expression starts now!
Curiosity may kill the cat, but this Kat is a "Jill of all trades" when it comes to crafting. I feel the need to try just about every new thing that comes out in the magazines, and have a very full studio to show for it! My biggest crafting love is my sewing machine ... make that machines, as one is never enough. God forbid one be in the shop and the fever of a new idea not be able to be expressed!
I do sew love to sew! and entered my very first "Dress A Doll" contest at the tender age of 12. Much to my surprise and joy, I proudly took home a 3rd place ribbon and a check for $25.00. The addiction was started and thirty odd years later, I am currently making "Art Dolls". I was gifted a copy of Pattie Culea's latest book and fell in love with the cover doll. Of course, I had to make her! Then I found Sherry Goshon's patterns and oh, my! Online doll classes were mentioned ... I'd never heard of such a thing, but talk about an addiction waiting to happen? There are soo many wonderful patterns and classes available ... Whew! It's a good thing I gave up shopping for Lent ... I need at least 40 days to catch up with what I've already signed up for :O) My sewing room is going to need more shelves to hold all my creations, that is if I ever get around to making bodies for all the heads I've done so far!
I must admit, I am a self confessed "Fabric-a-holic" and have become a bit of a hoarder when it comes to the velvety softness of a nice piece of cotton or the brilliance of a hand dyed batik. And the fiber arts! Well, don't even get me started! My coffers runeth over with the projects it will take me a life time of life times to complete. Yet, I still find myself pouring over the catalogues and online sites ... drooling over that pattern or this piece of fine cloth that just has to become a new member of my family. (Quilting is another passion I have been pursuing for about the last 9 years; but that's a story for another day...)
Today marks the first day of my blog. A funny name for an online diary, isn't it? I wonder where it came from? I may have to look that up one night when I can't sleep and am all caught up with my endless list of things to do. Will that day ever come? Hmmmm.......me thinks.....not?
Until the next time...Kreatively yours,
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